Sun-proof Your Skin

vitamin debate

 Vitamin D regulates the immune system, keeps your heart and bone health and may help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent some cancers. In short, it's a good thing. The problem: Most people do not consume enough. And some experts believe it is due to sun exposure decreases. (Our body produces D when exposed to the Sun without sunscreen).

But this is not a pass for sunbathing. Many physicians (especially dermatologists) you prefer to get from a healthy diet or a supplement rather than go without sunscreen. "It's just not worth the risk of skin cancer," said Deirdre Hooper, MD, a dermatologist in New Orleans.

Covering up

light cotton clothing offers less protection than SPF 10 lotion. So look for articles with at least 30 UPF (UPF is the way to safeguard textile manufacturers) to use when out for a while. Alex and I offer brands UPF-rated clothing such as Patagonia, Columbia, and the solar eclipse.

The biggest mistakes women applying sunscreen? Do not use enough and do not reapply. Take 1 ounce (enough cream to fill a glass) to cover his body. And no matter what kind of sunscreen you use, you must once again immediately after a bath or every two hours you are out.

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