So, if you open an online site shows the images of Asian-type of celebration of marriage hits the detail that all Indians, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis brides have in common: the drama seems to be reflected in the Asian wedding make-up. The eyes are dramatically presented, the lips are very deep, and pointed out everything that belongs to their natural appearance is hidden behind a heavy red marker face of the foundation.
One way that women use in India for a look but do not appear in the "painting" style, is the airbrush is the tool. Using this technique, they manage to accommodate the contours of the different areas of the f ace, as the nose, jaw, cheeks and temples and get this drama without looking too graffiti-like. The wear of the India shawl over their heads will complement the color choice of marriage in Asia to compensate for the women in this region.

Red is usually the color of the bride in India, you can see so well that the choice of make-up goes for gold, bronze and red colors. Due to the fact that all wives must look down as in a state of total dedication to the event, and the man they get their man, the presence of false eyelashes seem to be a must. In this way, their eye shadow will almost always full visible, is a perfect blend needed for this wedding look.
What other type of Asian wedding make up, an Eastern, Chinese and Japanese brides have replaced the traditional style with the way the West is the bride dressed in her dress and makeup. However, even the brides-East Asia, which has put a great emphasis, how they dress, especially with regard to the formulation of the eye to give depth to simulate the eye-fold. Since the skin color of these East Asian brides, milky, porcelain-like part, they need their Asian wedding colors form a curved shape such as pink, tan and gray. Many brides still choose the style geisha is a stylized form and stored in a simpler level.